On Tuesday (May 28), President Sheikh Mohamed embarked on a two-day state visit to the Republic of Korea. In a social media update, Sheikh Mohamed expressed his intention to hold discussions with leaders on enhancing the special strategic partnership between the UAE and Korea. The bilateral relations between the two nations are gaining momentum across various sectors, evident from the UAE's non-oil foreign trade volume with Korea reaching Dh19.4 billion in 2023.

The President emphasized the determination of both countries to make further progress through economic partnership and strong people-to-people connections for mutual benefit. Notably, South Korea has directly invested Dh8 billion in the UAE, while the UAE's investments in South Korea surpassed Dh2 billion. The UAE stands as Korea's second-largest Arab trading partner and ranks 10th in non-oil trade in Asia.

Sheikh Mohamed highlighted the UAE-Korean relations as an exemplary model of positive and constructive ties, expressing the UAE's eagerness to broaden horizons for the mutual benefit and advancement of both nations and their people. Following the visit to Korea, Sheikh Mohamed is scheduled to proceed to China on May 30, upon the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The upcoming discussions between the leaders will focus on bilateral relations, as well as opportunities for collaboration, especially in economic, developmental, and cultural domains.