Seeking a blend of puppy love and mindfulness? A yoga class in Los Angeles provides a unique experience with gentle stretches accompanied by nine playful puppies, several of which are available for adoption. During the session, participants navigate through various asanas or poses, while the puppies interact, often hopping onto the backs of those in 'cat-cow' pose or scampering beneath those in 'downward dog'. Laughing Frog Yoga has been offering this puppy yoga since 2019, making it one of the few studios in Southern California to do so.

Julie Mondin, a dog wrangler and foster care provider, highlights the mental health benefits of the class, noting the joy, happiness, and social interaction it brings. Mondin explains, “Puppies not only bring joy but also provide a calming stability, releasing oxytocin and dopamine. They are beneficial for all kinds of people. Puppy yoga is not just fun but also wholesome.” Most of the puppies are either surrendered by their owners or rescued from shelters, and through this class, approximately 58 puppies have found new homes.

Laughing Frog Yoga also offers goat and kitten yoga, but puppy yoga remains a favorite. Mondin states, “Puppy yoga is more engaging because it involves playful interactions with puppies, which often leads to shared laughter among participants.” Kaia Placa, the instructor, emphasizes the importance of incorporating fun and joy into the class to combat emotional fatigue. She notes, “Introducing puppies into the class brings a sense of playfulness and lightness, essential for mental health.”

The class is supported by a team of experienced dogs led by Gilbert, Frankie, and Clover, who assist in training the new puppies in socialization and behavior. For many participants like Aubrey Ackerman, the presence of the puppies transforms the yoga experience, making the aura of zen and relaxation secondary to the playful interactions. Despite the occasional mishap, Mondin reassures, “Even if you get peed on, nothing truly goes wrong.”