Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor showcased his presence at the blessing ceremony of billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s son Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, following their wedding in Mumbai on July 13, 2024. The opulent wedding festivities for the son of Asia's wealthiest individual recommenced on July 13, featuring a guest list that included Hollywood stars, international business magnates, and two former British prime ministers. (Photo by Sujit JAISWAL / AFP)
Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor underscored the significance of maintaining a connection to one's cultural heritage while unveiling an India-wide film festival to commemorate his grandfather, the renowned filmmaker Raj Kapoor. The announcement was made during a session at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa, in anticipation of Raj Kapoor's 100th birth anniversary on December 14. Addressing a packed auditorium at Goa's Kala Academy, Ranbir revealed that the Raj Kapoor Film Festival will be held from December 13-15 across India, showcasing restored versions of 10 classic Raj Kapoor films. The restoration project is a collaborative initiative involving the National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC), the National Film Archives of India (NFAI), the Film Heritage Foundation, and Raj Kapoor's nephew, Kunal Kapoor.
Ranbir emphasized the importance of honoring cinematic icons, stating, "It's crucial that we remember our roots—not just Raj Kapoor, but numerous filmmakers and artists who have left an enduring impact on Indian cinema." He expressed his appreciation to IFFI for organizing the event and inspiring younger generations to delve into Raj Kapoor's enduring work. To emphasize his point about staying connected to one's roots, Ranbir recounted an anecdote about his wife, actor Alia Bhatt. "When I first met Alia, she didn't know who Kishore Kumar was; it's simply the cycle of life. People are forgotten, and new artists take their place," he disclosed.
Ranbir also discussed his aspiration to create a biopic on Raj Kapoor's life, describing it as a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. "A biopic is not just about celebrating someone's achievements but honestly depicting their struggles, relationships, and low points. I've talked to Sanjay Leela Bhansali about it, but it's a complex project. I'm uncertain if my family would consent to revealing that aspect of his life," he explained. On a professional front, Ranbir expressed enthusiasm about collaborating again with Sanjay Leela Bhansali for their forthcoming film Love & War. "Working with him after 17 years feels just the same. His fervor for cinema is unparalleled," he said. He is also preparing for an array of diverse projects, including Animal Park and Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana.
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