UAE doctors emphasize that reducing screen time significantly benefits children's mental health, with positive effects often evident within just 14 days. This conclusion follows a study from the University of Southern Denmark, which found a strong correlation between decreased screen time and improved mental well-being in children. Experts noted that within two weeks of limiting screen time to an average of three hours per week, children showed immediate behavioral improvements. Typically, children engage in seven to eight hours of daily entertainment, such as gaming or movie watching. The study revealed that cutting screen time to three hours significantly stabilizes children's emotions, with noticeable changes in just two weeks.

Dr. Ignatiius Edwin D’souza, a consultant pediatrician and chair of pediatrics and neonatology at Thumbay University Hospital, explained, "Reducing screen time alleviates stress, enhances sleep quality, and improves mood and behavior. It also fosters more family interaction." Dr. D'souza advised that while reducing screen time is crucial, adjustments should be made gradually. He also highlighted the importance of parental consistency and patience, as children may initially resist these changes. Excessive screen time has been linked to behavioral problems like increased aggression and difficulty concentrating, as well as physical issues such as eye strain, headaches, and neck pain from prolonged sitting.

Dr. D'souza noted, "Excessive digital gadget use can increase anxiety and depression in children, potentially disrupting sleep due to the blue light's impact on melatonin production." Specialists also warn that excessive screen time can lead to an overdependence on digital stimulation for dopamine release, diminishing the ability to enjoy non-digital activities. Psychomotor therapist Liliane Kantar from Aman Lil Afia Clinic Dubai added, "Screen time reduces opportunities for social interaction, physical play, and exploration, leading to underdeveloped motor skills, poor social skills, and reduced cognitive abilities."

Doctors reiterated that monitoring screen time promotes prosocial behavior, thoughtfulness, and helpfulness in children, enhancing peer relationships. Dr. Shaju George, a specialist psychiatrist at International Modern Hospital Dubai, stated, "Reducing screen time positively impacts children's sleep and relationships with friends and family." Experts emphasize the need for clear screen time limits, fostering healthy habits, and ensuring screens do not replace real-life interactions and activities. Girish Hemnani, a Dubai-based energy healer and life coach, highlighted that a digital detox can improve sleep patterns, mood, focus, creativity, and social interaction skills, fostering healthier, happier children better equipped to navigate the world.