Decades ago, The Terminator introduced the world to the chilling concept of a relentless killer robot with an Austrian accent. Forty years on, the original film remains a gripping thriller, and fans will soon have the chance to relive it with the upcoming 4K Blu-ray edition, set to release on November 19.

The forthcoming 4K release is not the only Terminator Blu-ray available. There's also a steelbook version featuring striking artwork of the T-80. Currently out of stock at Amazon and Walmart, it's worth keeping an eye on for when it becomes available again, especially if you're a collector of steelbook editions. The special features and additional formats are identical to those of the standard 4K edition.

Since its debut in 1984, the Terminator franchise has grown extensively with sequels and spin-offs. While some argue that the series reached its zenith with Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the other films have their own appeal, even if they don't quite match the high standards set by the first sequel. Additionally, there was a short-lived TV series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, starring Lena Headey, and all 31 episodes are available in a comprehensive Blu-ray box set. For die-hard Terminator fans, exploring Arnold Schwarzenegger's other films is a must. From Predator to True Lies, Arnie's movies were box office hits, including the second-best Christmas movie of all time, Jingle All the Way.