This 1990 Mazda Miata has certainly had brighter days. It was tucked away in a barn six years prior, when the owner opted to start a family. Thankfully, it was kept indoors and, luckily, never slipped from memory. The WD Detailing team was enlisted to restore it to its former glory, and they promptly took action.

This Miata holds a special place, being the owner's first car, and sports a unique light blue hue on the exterior. However, this color is obscured by layers of dirt and wood chips accumulated during its barn residency. There are also concerns regarding the engine and undercarriage, given its prolonged exposure to a damp floor. While it promises to clean up nicely, the question remains: will it start?

The restoration process kicks off with an exterior vacuuming, focusing on the front where the wood chips are concentrated. The original steel wheels are then cleaned, followed by an invigorating power wash. The Miata already appears rejuvenated, but a surprise awaits—plastic bags are discovered crammed under the engine, suggesting a possum might have made it a temporary home. Thankfully, the bags were the only remnants.

With the hood raised, it's revealed that the car's original color was white. The engine bay cleans up nicely, despite prevalent surface rust and corrosion. The interior also fares well, considering the dirt and mold it harbored. The only blemish post-detailing is rust on the wheels; the rest of the car looks as if it's been preserved in the 1990s.

Regrettably, the engine fails to start. It cranks and sparks, but doesn't ignite even with starting fluid. A compression test reveals around 90 psi across all cylinders, significantly lower than expected. Hopefully, the possum didn't cause any damage. On a brighter note, the pop-up headlights operate flawlessly.

The owner's joy was palpable upon seeing the revitalized Miata. Here's to hoping the engine troubles are resolved swiftly, and it's soon back on the road.