In a world where traditional libraries are struggling for survival, an innovative project in Abu Dhabi is revitalizing the concept of book-filled havens and fostering a passion for reading in young minds. 'The Little Librarian' initiative, spearheaded by Maktaba, the library management division of the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi, engages children in library operations, book organization, and information retrieval, with the goal of nurturing a genuine love for reading alongside vital life skills.

This program not only encourages children to spend more time in libraries but also transforms these spaces into fun and educational hubs where they can partake in activities such as recommending books to friends and leading small reading groups. Fatema Abdul Rahman Al Tamimi, the acting director of the library management department at DCT, highlighted the program's dual benefits: developing essential skills and making libraries enjoyable and creative spaces during leisure time.

By managing libraries independently, children learn to effectively track resources and manage their time. These skills are crucial for boosting confidence, enhancing academic performance, and promoting personal growth. The program has garnered positive feedback from families, with over 20 participants noting improvements in children's responsibility, communication, and analytical thinking skills.

Al Tamimi also reassured that the role of librarians will persist and evolve in the digital era. Despite technological advancements in information access and management, librarians remain key in selecting, organizing, and guiding the use of both digital and physical resources. Their adaptability ensures their relevance in an increasingly digital world.

Maktaba runs several other impactful programs such as 'Emotional Intelligence', 'Children’s Reading Club', 'Youth Reading Club', and 'Readings in my Childhood', all aimed at positively influencing children and youth. These programs focus on developing emotional management skills, fostering a love for reading, and connecting past and present through shared childhood stories.