For more than ten years, Grand Theft Auto Online players have had the freedom to roam Los Santos without much restriction. While not all locations from Grand Theft Auto 5 have been accessible, Rockstar Games has announced plans to reintroduce a highly requested area as part of an upcoming zombie mode. In this week's patch notes, Rockstar revealed that North Yankton will be featured in 'a Community Challenge to dispatch marching tides of undead in a new limited-time mode.' This snowy location was prominently featured in GTA 5's prologue, where main characters Michael and Trevor encountered significant issues during a bank robbery attempt.

Previously, GTA Online players could only revisit North Yankton through glitches and exploits. Although Rockstar has not disclosed all the details about the zombie mode, data miners have uncovered evidence suggesting a wave-based survival mode, indicating a horde-style event. It remains unclear whether the zombie action will be confined to North Yankton or extend to broader areas of San Andreas and Los Santos. Additionally, Rockstar has announced various Halloween-themed items for GTA+ members, including the intimidating HVY Nightshark SUV and demon biker gear.

With Grand Theft Auto 6 slated for a 2025 release, it seems possible that GTA Online may undergo a significant transformation in the future. However, Rockstar has consistently managed to keep the game's world engaging, and players are not yet ready to bid it farewell.