Residents of Dubai's Majan and Al Barari communities can now experience less congestion and smoother traffic flow when entering and exiting their neighborhoods, thanks to the completion of several projects by the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA). The RTA announced on Tuesday that travel times to and from these areas have been reduced by up to 50% following improvements at their entry and exit points leading to the Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Road. Traffic delays on the major highway have also been halved, from 9 to 4.5 minutes. Vehicle movement has been rerouted from a tunnel to a reversible lane system, and a junction equipped with traffic signals has been established at the communities' entrance. These enhancements are part of the RTA's ongoing initiatives to facilitate smooth traffic flow in response to the increasing population density resulting from ongoing economic growth in the emirate.

Text: Lara Palmer
Travel times cut by 50% as RTA completes improvements at entry and exit points