Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has addressed the shooting incident at his Mumbai residence in April, as reported by Indian Express. The actor from Tiger 3 informed the police that he suspects the Lawrence Bishnoi gang was behind the April 14 attack, with the aim of harming him and his family. Khan reportedly stated, "I believe Lawrence Bishnoi, aided by his gang, orchestrated the shooting while my family was asleep, with the intention of killing us." This statement, as per Indian Express, is included in the charge sheet submitted by the Mumbai Police regarding the incident.

Khan recounted hearing a sound like a firecracker while asleep at his Galaxy Apartments home on April 14. His bodyguard then alerted him to two individuals on a motorcycle who had fired shots at the first floor before fleeing. Khan also mentioned to the police that this was not the first attempt on his family's safety, referencing an earlier incident at the Bandra police station. It is said that gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother, Anmol Bishnoi, admitted to the assault in a Facebook post.

A comprehensive 1,735-page charge sheet has been filed in this case, which will be presented to a special court under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act. Those arrested include Vickykumar Gupta, Sagarkumar Pal, Sonukumar Bishnoi, Anujkumar Thapan (deceased), Mohd Rafiq Choudhary, and Harpal Singh, according to Indian Express.