Saudi Arabia has released a statement to inform its citizens and residents about the execution of a death sentence against a Saudi national. Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Qunai’an, a Saudi citizen, was charged with "committing criminal acts that involved betraying his country, sympathizing with those detained in terrorist cases, and praising the leader of... Al-Qaeda terrorist organisation." The Ministry of Interior of Saudi Arabia stated that the accused was sentenced for supporting terrorist ideology and terrorist acts. The accused was brought before the court, which confirmed his guilt and sentenced him to death as a discretionary punishment. This ruling was upheld by the Specialised Criminal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, followed by a royal order to enforce the verdict. The authority announced this to reaffirm the Kingdom's dedication to maintaining security, achieving justice, and ensuring the punishment of all those who threaten the Kingdom's national security.

Text: Lara Palmer
Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Qunai’an sentenced for betraying country and supporting Al-Qaeda