Saudi Arabia has released a statement notifying citizens and residents about the execution of a death sentence against a Saudi national. Ahmed bin Hassan bin Ali Al Eisa was charged with the following offenses: 'participating in a terrorist organization, collaborating with other terrorists to target and murder security personnel, committing multiple acts of financing terrorism, providing weapons and ammunition to wanted terrorists, and sheltering individuals involved in arms trafficking.' The case was brought before the court, which found him guilty and sentenced him to death as a discretionary punishment. The higher court upheld the verdict, and a royal decree was issued to carry out the sentence. The announcement was made to underscore the Kingdom's dedication to preserving security, ensuring justice, and enforcing Islamic Sharia law against those who violate the rights of others, cause them harm, and infringe upon their right to life.

Text: Lara Palmer
Ahmed bin Hassan bin Ali Al Eisa convicted and executed for multiple terrorism offenses