From its origins as a marketplace for car dealerships, Seez has transformed into a provider of a diverse array of digital products and solutions tailored for the automotive sector. Andrew Kabrit, co-founder and chief operations officer of Seez, emphasizes, "This strategic evolution capitalizes on the vast data amassed from our marketplace operations, allowing us to offer dealerships a comprehensive range of solutions that simplify the sales process, elevate customer experiences, and optimize dealership management."

The evolving landscape of the automotive industry - When considering artificial intelligence (AI) within the automotive realm, one typically envisions self-driving vehicles. However, AI extends its influence across nearly every facet of the industry, encompassing research and development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing. For instance, AI tools assist automotive experts in enhancing vehicle and component design. In production facilities, AI is employed not only in constructing vehicles but also in enhancing safety and performance. Retailers also significantly benefit from AI-driven solutions, which are utilized in marketing, sales, and inventory control.

According to Future Market Insights, the AI sector in the automotive industry was valued at $9.3 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $744.39 billion by 2033. Conversely, Markets and Markets forecasts a more conservative growth, estimating the automotive AI market to expand from $2.3 billion in 2022 to $7 billion by 2027. Anticipate AI to continue driving innovation within the automotive industry in the forthcoming years.

In response to the dynamic shifts within the automotive sector, Seez has crafted a suite of digital innovations that empower car dealers to adapt to these changes. Kabrit notes, "The rising digitization within dealerships and the willingness of customers to conduct significant portions of their purchase journey online are propelling further industry innovations through AI, Big Data, and Machine Learning. Utilizing these technological advancements, we are witnessing profound transformations—from how customers compare vehicles to aid their purchasing decisions, to dealers engaging with current and potential customers more efficiently and effectively to boost engagement and customer service."

Among the solutions introduced by Seez post its transition from a marketplace platform is SeezClick, which converts basic dealer websites into transactional portals allowing customers to buy cars with just a few clicks. Additional integrations, such as financing and insurance, ensure a seamless online buying experience, with dealers able to customize the purchase flow to align with their brand. SeezPad, on the other hand, provides car sales teams with a unified ecosystem, connecting all systems to eliminate data silos and multiple logins.

SeezPad integrates with prominent CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce for effective lead management and with Autovision for streamlined invoicing. It is also compatible with various document management solutions and dealer management systems, as well as finance partners like Santander. SeezBoost, another innovative offering, utilizes AI to enhance auto dealers' marketing strategies with dynamic ads, personalized recommendations, A/B testing, and analytical tools, thereby strengthening dealerships' online presence and ultimately driving sales.

To augment dealer operations, Seez introduced SeezNitro, an AI-driven analytics service that aids in determining optimal selling prices, assessing inventory competitiveness, and forecasting residual values, among other functionalities. This tool is beneficial not only to dealers but also to insurance and finance entities. The latest addition to Seez's portfolio is Seezar, a GPT-powered chatbot that leverages AI insights for marketing, personalized recommendations, and enhanced customer support.

Looking to the future, Seez is in the midst of an international expansion, with an increasing number of dealers being onboarded in the UAE and Qatar, and potential new agreements in the pipeline across the Middle East. The company has also recently partnered with ATG, the UK's premier automotive omnichannel retailing services provider, and is testing Seezar among select dealer members. Kabrit indicates that Seez is actively progressing in introducing its products across other European markets.