US President Joe Biden is contemplating a decision on whether to continue his presidential campaign, which Senator John Hickenlooper believes could be beneficial for the nation, as he told Reuters. Hickenlooper expressed a sense of sorrow among Democrats regarding the president but refrained from explicitly urging him to withdraw. Having previously vied for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, which Biden ultimately secured, Hickenlooper chose not to join the increasing chorus of legislators calling for Biden's withdrawal from the race. However, he acknowledged that there is growing evidence suggesting it would be advantageous for the country if Biden were to make that decision.

"Joe Biden has always prioritized the country. He's acted in America's best interest... I believe he will continue to do so," Hickenlooper stated in a recent telephone interview. "He's working towards that." When questioned about the possibility of Biden stepping down, Hickenlooper remarked, "That's his decision to make, but there are certainly more and more signs indicating that it would be in the best interests of the country, I think."

At 81, Biden is receiving pressure from prominent party members to exit the Democratic ticket following his uneven performance in a debate against former president Donald Trump, the current Republican nominee, which sparked concerns about his age and his ability to win the November election. Hickenlooper noted a palpable distress among Democrats who hold Biden, a former Senator with 36 years of service, in high regard, even if they think he should not seek re-election.

"I don't think many people understand how much Joe Biden is cherished and the sadness and anguish people feel that he might not be the candidate. Even those who believe he should not be the candidate feel a profound sense of loss," Hickenlooper commented. "He's been one of the greatest presidents, possibly the greatest president of my lifetime."

However, Hickenlooper revealed that feedback from his constituents in Colorado—not from donors or insiders—indicated a strong sentiment among average Democratic voters that Biden should step aside. "When there's that much unease and dissatisfaction, it's difficult for anyone to unite the party," he explained. "He is still beloved... It's just not the same political landscape as it was four years ago."

Biden is currently recovering from Covid-19 at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. He recently had a one-on-one meeting with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who reportedly encouraged him to withdraw from the race. Despite the mounting pressure, Biden has remained resolute. The White House stated that the president informed Schumer he is the party's nominee and intends to win the election.

Hickenlooper suggested that if Biden had shown any hesitation in his resolve to remain in the race, it would have intensified calls for him to step aside. "That doesn't mean he couldn't ultimately decide to stay in," said Hickenlooper, who was a brewpub owner in Denver before entering politics, noting that Biden would not delay in making his decision. "Everyone's got their own pace of fermentation."