Shortly after the passing of Menaka Irani, the mother of filmmakers Farah Khan and Sajid Khan, Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan along with his spouse, Gauri Khan, visited their home to offer their final respects. Joining them was their daughter, Suhana Khan, and Pooja Dadlani, manager to the star of 'Pathaan'. Menaka Irani, aged 79, passed away on July 26. This sad news arrived just days after Farah shared on Instagram that her mother had been through several surgeries.

"This past month has truly shown me how much I love my mom, Menaka. She has been the strongest, bravest person I've ever known, with her sense of humor remaining intact despite multiple surgeries. Happy birthday, Mom! Today is a good day to return home; I can't wait for you to get strong enough to start arguing with me again. I love you," Farah expressed in a recent post on her mother's birthday.

Prior to this, on Friday, numerous celebrities such as Rani Mukerji, Shilpa Shetty, Bhushan Kumar, and MC Stan, amongst others, had also come to Farah's residence to grieve the loss of her mother.