Over the course of his illustrious career, spanning more than two decades, Shahid Kapoor has transformed from a talented young dancer into one of Bollywood’s most versatile and adventurous actors. Renowned for his daring and unconventional choices in roles, he has established a unique identity by embracing challenges and defying conventional expectations. In a recent interview conducted in anticipation of the IIFA weekend on Yas Island, Abu Dhabi, the actor reflects on the experiences that have shaped him, from his early days as a dancer to his current role as a father.

How do you envision the next few days in the UAE? What are your plans?

Well, it's going to be hot. The weather is improving now, but it remains quite warm. It's always wonderful to be here. We visited a couple of years ago, and we're planning to deliver a truly entertaining evening for the audience. IIFA is always a blast—there are incredible performances and a host of celebrities attending. It promises to be a couple of exhilarating nights. And, of course, we're eagerly looking forward to the IIFA weekend. It’s an opportunity to engage with people, participate in various activities, and explore new places, making it always enjoyable.

What are your favorite activities and hangout spots in Abu Dhabi or Dubai?

I usually prefer being at the venue or in my room preparing. I either want to be working or resting. I have a passion for dancing and live shows, so even when others are performing, I just sit back and relish watching them. I enjoy the process. I began as a dancer at the age of 15, so it feels nostalgic yet familiar. I truly appreciate that experience.

Speaking about your performance, what can we anticipate?

You can expect plenty of dancing and some lively songs. We also have a few surprises in store, including collaborations with other celebrities. There might even be a moment where we all dance together.

What’s the one thing you're most excited about during the IIFA weekend?

I really enjoy dancing, so I'd say performing live and giving the audience a great time.

You started your journey as a dancer. Do you ever reminisce about that phase of your life?

I don’t dwell much on the past, but it resurfaces when I meet friends, colleagues, or people I've worked with. I've been in this industry for about 20 years now, so I encounter dancers, choreographers, filmmakers, and former colleagues. It comes up in conversations like that. But beyond that, it's better to move forward and stay present.

What is one piece of advice that has remained with you from that phase of your life?

I think I’ve evolved a lot since that phase of my life, but I suppose the advice would be to keep doing what you love. I believe I’m still adhering to that—sticking to the basics, striving to improve, staying humble and grounded, and keeping things simple. That sort of advice.

Is there any advice you would offer your younger self from that phase, the young Shahid?

I would say, “Expect the unexpected,” because life rarely unfolds as you imagine it will. It will always surprise you, and you should be content with the surprises it brings. Often, we get fixated on wanting things to be a certain way, but I think the universe usually has a better plan than what we envision. So just remain open and accepting, and the best outcomes will unfold over time.

Your film choices and the types of roles you take on have become bolder and more experimental. Is that influenced by your personal growth and journey?

I’ve always sought to do what people didn’t anticipate from me. Sometimes it succeeded, and sometimes it didn’t, but I wanted to challenge expectations. In my 20s and 30s, that’s just how I was—if everyone wanted one thing, I wanted to do the opposite. Much of my best work stemmed from that mindset, from wanting to make a statement. But now, I’m content doing different things. I enjoy exploring various genres, portraying diverse characters. I like planned projects, but I also relish spontaneous ones.

How has fatherhood influenced that journey?

Fatherhood has undoubtedly enriched me as a person, which naturally enhances me as a performer. It’s more about personal choices now—like wanting to be home with the kids every day when I’m in the city. One significant aspect is keeping my kids away from my work, but as they grow older, perhaps allowing them to see a bit of what their father does. Matters like that.

Aiming for work-life balance…

Everyone discusses work-life balance, but I’m not sure it’s ever truly achievable. I always feel like I’m falling short somewhere, but the key is doing your best to balance both aspects. It’s never going to be perfect, but as long as your attention is divided between both, you’ll be fine.