Sharjah has established the 'Khalid Bin Sultan Al Qasimi Humanitarian Foundation', a new humanitarian organization aimed at protecting children, particularly those impacted by conflicts, natural disasters, and poverty. The foundation is named in honor of the late son of Sharjah's ruler and Supreme Council member Sheikh Dr Sultan Al Qasimi and his wife Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi. This initiative will honor the late royal's vision of creating a safer environment for children.

Sheikha Jawaher announced the foundation's launch during a live call on Sharjah Radio's 'Direct Line' program. She emphasized that saving a child safeguards entire communities and, by extension, the future of humanity. Children represent hope and are the future leaders and innovators who will shape tomorrow's economies, development, culture, science, and arts. If they encounter dangers and adversity, the world's future is jeopardized, Sheikha Jawaher noted.

The announcement was made amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, where nearly 15,000 children have been killed since October 7 last year, according to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The international organization 'Save the Children' estimates that up to 21,000 children may have been separated from their families or gone missing.

The foundation will collaborate with local entities, communities, and global humanitarian organizations to ensure and protect children's rights in vulnerable communities worldwide. In its initial three-year phase, the organization will focus on regions from the global south, allowing it to assess the needs and challenges faced by children in these areas. The global south typically refers to developing and underdeveloped nations in Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Asia. After gaining a deeper understanding, the foundation will gradually expand its scope to include new regions and communities in need of support.

Sheikha Jawaher explained that the strong sense of community and social support in Sharjah encouraged the establishment of this organization. She highlighted that understanding our collective responsibility towards one another serves as a driving force. Communities thrive when families are resilient and united, ensuring every member, especially children, feels profoundly safe and secure. The foundation will work to support policies and address gaps to better assure and protect the inherent rights of children. It will also support the efforts and capabilities of organizations working to combat child exploitation and rights violations. Additionally, the foundation will collaborate with NGOs to conduct research and raise awareness on children’s inherent rights.

Sheikha Jawaher also pointed out that a child at risk undermines community resilience. Children's issues have become some of the most pressing humanitarian concerns, deeply troubling our collective conscience, especially in the face of escalating conflicts, displacement, poverty, and lack of access to essential services. Childhood represents a time of innocence, requiring unwavering love, care, and protection. Our aspirations for a brighter tomorrow remain high when children receive the care, nurturing, and opportunities they deserve.