A woman from the United Arab Emirates who fell victim to an online scam and lost Dh300,000 managed to recover her funds thanks to the intervention of the Sharjah Police. The fraudster had successfully transferred the sum from the victim's bank account electronically. However, the police swiftly responded, as reported by the Arabic news outlet Al Etihad. Upon receiving the report of the scam, the Sharjah Police promptly intervened, froze the funds in the bank account, and restored the money to the victim, according to Brigadier Omar Ahmed Abu Al Zoud, the director of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Brigadier Al Zoud highlighted that instances of cybercrime are becoming increasingly common, with one of the most prevalent tactics being the creation of cloned official websites designed to deceive users into divulging their banking details. In the Al Etihad report, he reiterated the police's public warning: individuals should refrain from sharing personal data and remain cautious of dubious websites and emails. Additionally, Brigadier Al Zoud emphasized the necessity of regularly updating the software on smartphones and computers.