Several residents embroiled in financial disagreements managed to resolve their cases and reclaim their money without resorting to court, thanks to an initiative by the Sharjah Police. The police successfully mediated 385 cases in the first half of 2024, facilitating the recovery of over Dh20 million in disputed funds. All these matters were resolved without the need for legal proceedings.

Known as 'Al Salah Khair' (Peace is Good), this Sharjah Police initiative has been smoothing out disputes and aiding residents, businesses, and institutions for 14 years, according to Col Youssef Obaid bin Harmoul, director of the Department of Comprehensive Police Centres. This program, he noted, spares individuals the time and effort required to file cases in court.

Al Salah Khair is integral to the police's mission to support Sharjah's vision and fortify community bonds.