A diminutive asteroid is anticipated to penetrate Earth's atmosphere imminently and is projected to descend near Luzon Island in the Philippines.

The International Meteor Organisation states that the one-meter asteroid, designated 2024 RW1 (formerly known as CAQTDL2), poses no substantial threat and will not inflict any harm. There may be potential fragments of meteorites on the ground.

It is expected to manifest as a luminous and sluggish fireball, observable by residents in the vicinity. According to the European Space Agency, the asteroid is set to touch down at 16:39 UTC (20:39 UAE time).

The agency further notes that the celestial object is likely to incinerate upon atmospheric ingress, resulting in a fireball spectacle. However, its visibility may be significantly curtailed due to Typhoon Yagi and the prevailing Southwest Monsoon.

The ESA cautions that the precise timing and location of the fireball occurrence could still undergo alterations. The trajectory of the asteroid as it makes contact with Earth is depicted in the accompanying map: