Currently, streaming services, once celebrated as the future of entertainment, are reverting to traditional TV formats. Prime now includes commercials, Netflix restricts password sharing, and Disney+ requires subscriptions for weekly new episodes. Fifteen years ago, viewers could enjoy three new TV episodes every weeknight, plus Sundays with HBO. However, it appears that alongside this typical capitalist consumer mistreatment, media content has become monotonous and weak, as if creators have ceased drawing inspiration or innovating. Today's content is not driven by art enthusiasts aiming for revolution, but by Gen-X and millennial fans reproducing familiar properties.

I encountered a tweet highlighting that early seasons of The Simpsons were crafted by diverse nerds influenced by various media. 'The early seasons of The Simpsons were written by eclectic nerds who had marinated in all sorts of weird old media. The newer seasons are written by people who grew up watching The Simpsons.' This observation encapsulates the problem: creatives producing mere copies of copies. As a Gen-Z individual, I recall owning a printer and scanner; repeated photocopying degrades the image, losing details and nuances. It's time to create something new, and like with climate change and dating, Gen-Z must steer the course.

Consider Star Wars, created by George Lucas as a blend of his love for old pulp sci-fi, Akira Kurosawa's films, and epic fiction. Lucas based the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO on characters from Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress and Frodo and Samwise from The Lord of the Rings. 'Lucas mixed that all together to get something truly unique,' noted Jason Pargin on TikTok. Pargin, a former editor of and author, explored modern Star Wars, made by self-proclaimed superfans who often avoid innovation. 'Star Wars was so weird that the studio was scared they were going to lose their money... They had to force cinemas to show it by bundling it with a different, bigger movie.' This represents a complete reversal of the filmmaking process. If I aimed to create a gritty sci-fi noir western with space wizards and laser swords, it would only be viable with Star Wars branding. 'Instead of taking all of your old influences and remixing it into something new, you're forced to take your current idea and reduce it down to something old.'

So what? Hollywood prioritizes the financial gain from sequels or remakes over supporting new properties. What I see feels like fan service and callbacks, and when something new emerges, it's either suppressed or abandoned despite its popularity. I experienced this as a child with Disney's Treasure Planet and Atlantis. To be