Shiromani Akali Dal leader Sukhbir Singh Badal, who was declared a 'tankhaiya' (guilty of religious misconduct) in August by Akal Takht for certain decisions made during his tenure as Punjab Deputy Chief Minister from 2007 to 2017, has been awarded religious punishment by the Sikh clergy at the Akal Takht. He has been directed to perform tasks such as washing utensils, cleaning shoes, and bathrooms.
Sukhbir Badal has acknowledged the charges against him. The Five High Priests, led by Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh, also instructed the working committee of the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) to accept Sukhbir Badal's resignation as party chief and revoked the 'Fakhar-e-Quam' title bestowed on former Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal.
The Sikh clergy at the Akal Takht announced that Sukhbir Singh Badal will clean bathrooms from 12pm to 1pm on December 3. He has been directed to serve the bathrooms of Sri Darbar Sahib from 12pm to 1pm the next day, wash utensils for an hour, and listen to Gurbani. Additionally, he has been instructed to wear a plaque around his neck.
Arriving at the Golden Temple in a wheelchair due to a fractured leg, Sukhbir Badal was asked to carry a 'jhola on the deori' and hold a barsha. He has been directed to sit outside the Golden Temple for an hour each for two days wearing the dress of 'sewadar' and serve one hour in langar at gurudwaras.
The Sikh clergy emphasized that the Akali leadership has lost its moral foundation, and new president and office bearers should be elected within six months. Sukhbir Badal resigned as Shiromani Akali Dal president in November this year. The clergy also urged the rebel faction to strengthen the Akali Dal.
Giani Raghbir Singh declared that the 'Fakhar-e-Qaum' received from Shri Akal Takht Sahib should be withdrawn from Parkash Singh Badal, who passed away in April 2023.
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