Across the globe, many devoted individuals contribute to the construction of mosques in their home countries and in less developed nations. This act is highly regarded within the Muslim community. In the UAE, the government constructs numerous mosques, but also encourages community participation in building these sacred spaces. Beyond construction, individuals can also donate for the upkeep and provision of facilities within mosque premises. Here's how one can donate towards mosque construction in the UAE.

The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf) facilitates contributions for mosque construction and maintenance, excluding Dubai. This includes funding for amenities, maintenance, air conditioning, furniture, and other necessities. The process is accessible online via the authority's website or app, under the 'sustainability, care and financing of mosques' section. Applicants log in with their UAE pass account, choose their preferred payment method and location, and select the desired mosque capacity and area type. The service is free, with responses within four days and updates via phone, email, or SMS.

For Dubai, the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department offers services to identify land for mosque construction and allows in-kind donations such as carpets and air conditioners. These services are available online and are free. An Emirates ID is required for construction donations, with a one-day review period, while in-kind donations take up to three days.

Dar Al Ber and Beit Al Khair also provide online platforms for individuals to donate or sponsor entire mosque constructions and contribute to mosque maintenance, including amenities like air conditioning and furniture. Payments can be made via bank transfer, charity kiosk, or SMS donation.