'It takes a village to raise a child' is a proverb that highlights the complexities of child-rearing. New mothers often face significant physical and emotional challenges during the process of bringing a new life into the world. To support them, the government has implemented new initiatives designed to ease their transition into motherhood. One such initiative is the maternity leave policy, which applies to new mothers in both the public and private sectors.

How many days? Every woman working in the UAE is entitled to 60 days of maternity leave, with 45 days fully paid and 15 days half-paid. When to apply? Maternity leave can be applied for up to 30 days before the expected delivery date. Any extra days off? In certain cases, additional leave beyond the 60 days may be granted, as outlined below.

1. If you are sick: If the mother becomes ill due to pregnancy or childbirth, she can take additional days off. A medical certificate from an authorized authority is required. The mother can take up to 45 days off without pay if she is unable to return to work. These days can be taken consecutively or in intervals. This provision also applies if the child is stillborn or passes away shortly after birth.

2. If your baby is sick: If the newborn baby is ill or has a disability, the mother can take up to 30 days off (fully paid). This leave can be extended for an additional 30 days without pay. A medical certificate from an authorized authority is necessary. Nursing time? After giving birth and returning to work, the mother is entitled to additional breaks to nurse her child. She can take a total of one hour off in one or two breaks, fully paid, until six months after delivery.

Parental leave: Both parents are entitled to take up to five days off at any time to care for their newborn child, within six months of the birth.