The day before, the party's vice-chairman Tundu Lissu and secretary general John Mnyika were arrested, as disclosed by party spokesperson John Mrema to Reuters. Since assuming office in March 2021 after the demise of her predecessor, Tanzania's President Samia Suluhu Hassan has revoked the prohibition on political gatherings and eased media constraints. Nonetheless, she has encountered disapproval from opposition factions and human rights organizations due to the apprehension of individuals orchestrating protests against a port management agreement last year. The recent arrests occurred just hours after the police prohibited a conference slated by CHADEMA's youth division BAVICHA, citing potential disruption to public order. The police alleged that the party's youth leaders intended to mobilize young people nationwide to assemble and protest in Mbeya, a city in southwest Tanzania, a claim refuted by a party spokesperson. Mrema explained that the conference was intended to commemorate International Youth Day, with prominent party figures, including Mbowe, scheduled to speak to the youth. "Over 400 individuals have been detained by the police," the spokesperson further noted. Police spokesperson David Misime did not reply to Reuters' inquiries for comment. "We call for the immediate and unconditional release of all our leaders, members, and relatives who were arrested across various regions," Mbowe stated on Sunday evening on X.