Israeli police and Shin Bet, Israel's domestic security agency, have labeled the explosion in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening a 'terror attack'. The incident took place on HaLehi Street, causing shockwaves throughout the city, which has been on high alert due to rising tensions in the region, according to CNN.

The explosion resulted in one fatality and injured another individual. The deceased, whose identity remains undisclosed, is suspected of carrying the explosive material. District Commander Peretz Amar suggested that the explosive might have been concealed in a backpack, leaving unclear whether the person intended to use it or if it detonated accidentally.

The injured, a bystander on an electric scooter, was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds to the lower body. Medical sources described the passerby's injuries as moderate.

This event has heightened anxiety in Tel Aviv, a city already dealing with the repercussions of recent regional violence. The explosion compounds the existing stress from rocket attacks from Gaza and skirmishes in the West Bank, leaving both civilians and security forces on edge.

In the past week alone, Israel has experienced multiple attacks, including a car bombing in Jerusalem that caused multiple injuries and a fatal hammer attack on a security guard in the West Bank, as reported by CNN. Authorities are examining all potential motives for this explosion, including its possible connection to the broader regional conflict.

Amar stressed that it is premature to definitively label the blast as a terrorist attack, but the timing and location have sparked considerable concern. The explosion occurs during a period of heightened security vigilance in Israel, particularly with ongoing military operations in Gaza and escalated violence in the West Bank.

The Israeli government has reacted by increasing security deployments in major cities, especially in Tel Aviv, where public events have been restricted and large gatherings closely observed. This latest incident adds complexity to the situation, as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Israel for high-level discussions aimed at conflict de-escalation.

The blast in Tel Aviv could potentially hinder these diplomatic efforts, making an already unstable situation even more precarious, according to CNN. Police received numerous reports about the loud explosion, which echoed across several neighborhoods. Consequently, security measures have been intensified in the area, with investigators diligently working to uncover the complete details of the incident.

As tensions persist, the Israeli public remains on high alert, preparing for the possibility of additional incidents.