Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of Telegram, has been arrested in Paris, but the messaging platform asserts that he has nothing to hide. It is unreasonable to hold the owner accountable for misuse of the messaging and social media service, Telegram stated in a recent release. Durov, often referred to as "Russia's Mark Zuckerberg," was apprehended at Le Bourget airport shortly after arriving on a private jet from Azerbaijan. Moscow has issued a warning to Paris, urging them to respect Durov's rights, and Elon Musk, the owner of X, has criticized the arrest, suggesting that free speech in Europe is under threat.

Although there has been no official statement from French authorities regarding the arrest, French news channel franceinfo reported that Durov remained in custody and could be held for up to four days. Telegram, in a brief statement issued after midnight, did not provide specifics about the arrest but affirmed that the Dubai-based company complies with EU laws and maintains moderation standards that are in line with industry practices and continuously improving.

Durov, who holds dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates, was arrested as part of a preliminary investigation into allegations that Telegram facilitated a variety of crimes due to insufficient moderation and lack of cooperation with law enforcement. The investigation is being led by a cybersecurity unit and France's national anti-fraud police, with a judge specialized in organized crime overseeing the case. The Kremlin has expressed uncertainty about the exact charges against Durov, with Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, stating that it would be premature to comment without clear details.

Telegram, founded by Durov after he left Russia in 2014, is a significant social media platform with nearly 1 billion users, particularly influential in Russia, Ukraine, and former Soviet republics. Durov, who graduated from St Petersburg State University, identifies as a libertarian and cites Steve Jobs as an inspiration. He obtained French citizenship in 2021 through a special procedure for notable foreigners, although he has never resided in France. Durov has emphasized that Telegram should remain a neutral platform, resisting pressures to engage in geopolitics.