If you have any understanding of how cars function, you'll recognize the critical role oil plays in preserving the engine's internal components. A premium motor oil is formulated with the appropriate additives to ensure the engine's internals remain in optimal condition. The type of fuel you use can be just as crucial. The Motor Oil Geek YouTube channel recently shared a video highlighting the significance of fuel additives, referencing a study conducted by the Austrian Competence Center for Tribology (the study of friction, wear, and lubrication in mechanical systems).

In this study, engineers employed irradiated piston rings to evaluate the wear differences between an engine operating on fuel with beneficial friction modifiers and one without. The results showed that the engine without modifiers experienced over four times more wear than the one with modifiers. This outcome is not unexpected, as piston rings rubbing against cylinder walls are where the majority of engine wear occurs, making this area where fuel and oil exert the most influence.

Therefore, having a fuel blend rich in friction modifiers is vital. While using high-quality oil is important, it's only half the equation. To minimize wear as much as possible, it's essential to use high-quality fuel as well. It's important to clarify that the presence of additives like friction modifiers is unrelated to the octane rating. The aforementioned test utilized fuels with identical octane levels; the sole distinction was the additive package.

If you're seeking a fuel with a robust additive package, it's advisable to conduct some research, as brands typically offer their unique mixtures at every pump. The Motor Oil Geek specifically mentions Shell's V-Power Nitro+ gasoline, which is claimed to reduce wear and friction-related damage.