This week, HBO and Max premiered The Penguin, the first spin-off series from The Batman. While this show is part of director Matt Reeves' vision for what he calls The Batman Epic Crime Saga, The Penguin was never intended to be the sole series stemming from the first film. However, plans for separate shows focusing on the Gotham City PD and Arkham Asylum were abandoned. Reeves now suggests that additional spin-offs could follow if The Penguin proves successful.

During an interview with EW, Reeves declined to specify which spin-offs he has in mind beyond The Penguin. He did, however, hint that future shows might incorporate elements from the earlier GCPD and Arkham Asylum concepts. "The ideas we're discussing now are evolved versions of those [spin-offs]," Reeves explained. "It's not that those ideas failed; rather, we need to refine them. I see it more as a journey toward reaching their full potential."

Although Robert Pattinson's Batman won't appear in The Penguin, Reeves confessed that he briefly pondered including him. He also hinted that Pattinson's Dark Knight might make an appearance in another series. "That doesn't rule out the possibility of Batman or Bruce Wayne appearing in a future series," Reeves noted. "Lauren LeFranc and I did consider finding a way to include Rob in this show, but it was more of a passing thought."

For now, Reeves' primary focus is on The Batman Part 2. He has completed the script and plans to start filming next year. The sequel will jump ahead in time after the events of The Penguin. "Oz becomes a key entry point into the movie," Reeves said. "I can't reveal where it leads, but we're extremely excited about it." The Batman Part 2 is set to hit theaters on October 2, 2026.