The dependence on social media is growing at an accelerated pace. Whether it's aimless yet amusing scrolling or engaging content, social media has no limits. Now, more people are turning to social media for film and series reviews and suggestions, a trend that was once dominated by traditional reviewers who offered lengthy written or video content. With platforms like TikTok and Instagram, shorter content has gained popularity among viewers who prefer to get information in 30 seconds or less. These platforms also facilitate real-time feedback from creators and audiences in the comments section, which is particularly helpful when deciding whether to watch a new release. This immediate access to diverse opinions aids users in making swift decisions.

The variety of opinions from various demographics offers a more comprehensive view of a film or series compared to traditional review sources. Many users trust reviews and recommendations from discussions in the comments section more than professional critics. However, this doesn't diminish the impact that influencers and celebrities have on viewers. These personalities often share their opinions on films and series, and their followers may base their viewing choices on these opinions. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok host users who create detailed reviews, reaction videos, and recommendations, often with personal touches and in-depth analyses that can be more engaging than traditional reviews.

In a conversation with three such influencers, we delve into audience behavior that plays a crucial role in shaping reviews and recommendations on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Nadim Safieddine, known as @Nadsreviews, initially wrote reviews for his website but struggled with low views as users preferred shorter content. Now, he engages directly with his community through social media videos, which has transformed his experience. He emphasizes that comments on the platform provide valuable insights into what his audience wants to see in his content. Nadim believes that the brevity of content is a key difference between reviewing on TikTok and written blogs, allowing him to reach audiences more quickly and effectively.

Abdulaziz Khuja, another influencer known as @zezoov7, ensures his content resonates with a broad audience by maintaining brevity and precision. He also includes short clips from the movies or shows in his reviews to make them more relatable and understandable. Wael Morad of @welzvideos22 observes trends among viewers in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, noting a growing interest in Arabic TV shows. He highlights that audiences now value quality over specific genres and are more open to different types of content.

Social media algorithms play a crucial role in analyzing user interests and interactions to provide personalized recommendations, making it easier for users to discover new content that aligns with their tastes. Social media is easily accessible on various devices, making it a convenient source for quick reviews and recommendations anytime and anywhere. Its interactive and diverse nature makes it a go-to platform for movie and TV show recommendations or reviews, or even just to watch fantastic edits and clips from favorite films or series.