At least nine people, including a child, lost their lives when a stage collapsed in northern Mexico during a campaign rally due to strong wind gusts. A further 50 individuals sustained injuries, some of a serious nature, as reported by authorities. Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia confirmed the incident, describing scenes of chaos as the crowd fled from the collapsing stage.

Governor Garcia lamented the loss of life, stating that eight adults and one minor had tragically perished in the accident. Longshot presidential candidate Jorge Alvarez Maynez and his Citizens' Movement party were present at the rally, and Maynez attributed the stage collapse to a powerful gust of wind. Despite escaping unharmed, he emphasized the importance of prioritizing care for the victims.

The event served as the closing campaign rally for the Citizens' Movement candidate for mayor of San Pedro Garza Garcia, Lorenia Canavati. In light of the tragedy, Maynez suspended upcoming campaign events, committing to remain at the scene until all injured individuals were transported to the hospital.

Eyewitnesses recounted the harrowing experience as the structure came crashing down, with local meteorological warnings of heavy rain and strong wind gusts preceding the tragic incident. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, as well as the other two presidential candidates, extended their sympathies and solidarity to those affected by the rally disaster. The upcoming elections on June 2 remain a focal point, with Maynez trailing behind the leading contenders in the polls.