An Indian expat in her late 30s tragically fell to her death in Fujairah on Saturday morning. Shanifa Babu, married with two daughters, fell from the balcony of her 19th-floor apartment. She was well-known on social media, with thousands of followers.

At the time of the incident, Shanifa's mother was visiting her from Dubai. A family friend, who chose to remain anonymous, expressed bewilderment, stating that the tragic event occurred around 9am while her husband, mother, and children were present in the apartment. Shanifa, who had grown up in the UAE, had her entire extended family residing there. Her mother had traveled from Dubai to meet her in Fujairah on that fateful day.

Social workers revealed that both Shanifa’s mother and husband spent the early hours of Sunday at the police station, completing necessary formalities. Following her demise, Shanifa's body was placed in the mortuary of Fujairah Hospital. Her husband, an entrepreneur running his own construction firm in the emirate, and she hailed from the southern Indian state of Kerala.

Shanifa was an active presence on Instagram and TikTok, amassing a combined following of over 90,000. She frequently shared humorous reels and insights into her family life. Her final TikTok post on Thursday featured a reel with the caption “Don’t fall in love with me, I will break your heart.”

Messages of condolence flooded social media, with users expressing their disbelief and sorrow. Her husband, Sanuj Babu, took to Instagram, requesting prayers for her.

The family friend conveyed disbelief at the tragic turn of events, emphasizing the loving and harmonious nature of the family. The young daughters, unable to comprehend the situation, sought refuge at a friend's house on Saturday, appearing fearful and confused. The family has received support from social workers to navigate the necessary formalities and paperwork. It remains uncertain whether Shanifa will be buried in the UAE or in India.

Notably, earlier this year, an Ajman teenager perished after falling from a residential building, following weeks of being reported missing. In March, a 4-year-old also met a tragic fate after falling from a high-rise in Sharjah.