Two Emiratis and a UAE-based Arab expat were among the four hikers who perished in a flash flood in Oman. Khalid Al Mansouri and Salem Al Jarraf, both Emirati hikers, were part of a 16-member group traversing the challenging landscapes of Wadi Tanuf during a heavy rainfall. Khalid Al Suwaidi, another UAE-based hiker, recounted to Khaleej Times: "The group split into two. Upon disembarking from the vehicle, some hikers fell behind. In a courageous move, Al Mansouri and Al Jarraf went back to assist, but sadly, they were carried away by the floodwaters." The Royal Oman Police confirmed that four individuals died in the incident—two Emiratis, a UAE-based Arab expat, and an Omani.

Both Al Mansouri and Al Jarraf were experienced hikers who had ventured into terrains in Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, and Oman. Renowned for their adventurous nature and compassionate hearts, they often chose to trail behind their groups to support those in need. Ahmad, a 41-year-old from Ras Al Khaimah, reminisced, "I've known Al Jarraf since childhood; we're of similar age." He continued, "I didn't join them on their final trip, despite Al Jarraf's invitation. The preparation spanned two months. The hike demanded high fitness levels, covering approximately 12km in 10 to 12 hours." Ahmad noted that Al Jarraf's passion for hiking intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic when social gatherings were limited, prompting him and his friends to explore outdoor spaces, deepening their love for hiking.

The unexpected deaths of Al Mansouri and Al Jarraf have profoundly impacted those who knew them. Many have lauded their benevolence and influence on others. Alia'a Zaghloul, who had briefly encountered them, recalled their helpful demeanor. "During one hike, I was exhausted, and Al Mansouri lent me his pole and offered me a snack," she recounted. "Al Jarraf also helped a friend who was struggling on another hike. He retraced a long distance to aid her." Al Jarraf's neighbor shared his last sighting. "I saw him just last week at the traffic police station, the day before he was to leave on vacation. He was a kind man, a devoted father, and a good neighbor. People often mistook us for each other due to our resemblance." Al Mansouri, a former UAE handball player and javelin champion, and Al Jarraf, a committed adventure sports aficionado, were prominent figures in their communities. Their funeral prayers were conducted in Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah after their remains were repatriated from Oman.