The UAE, along with the US, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the African Union, and the UN, has praised Sudan's decision to permit aid entry via the Adre border crossing. In a shared declaration, these nations acknowledged the Sudanese Armed Forces' (SAF) move to open the crossing as "a vital measure to preserve lives and avert the escalation of famine." The statement further expressed anticipation for the imminent passage of aid convoys. It also urged the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to promptly ensure the safety of aid organizations, unrestricted humanitarian access, and operational autonomy from military and political influences.

Immediate actions are required to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Darfur and throughout Sudan, ensuring secure and unobstructed access to those in need, irrespective of territorial control. The enhancement of humanitarian aid is a foremost concern for the international community assembled in Switzerland. The promotion of humanitarian access and civilian protection aligns with the commitments outlined in the Jeddah declarations and the obligations stipulated by international humanitarian law, as stated in the joint declaration.