In the UAE, a growing number of companies are introducing 'parent-friendly' services for their staff, ranging from complimentary on-site childcare to facilitating the return to work for new mothers. Several UAE-based organizations, such as HSBC Bank, Visa, Masdar, Emirates Nature-WWF, Abu Dhabi Motorsports Management, Etihad Airways, Tappy Toes Nursery, and Silal, have been awarded the Parent-friendly Label (PFL) for their family-oriented policies and practices. The PFL is a nationwide voluntary recognition program open to semi-governmental, private, and non-profit entities, acknowledging their efforts to foster a supportive work environment and policies beneficial for children aged 0-8 years.

This year, the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority (ECA) launched the third iteration of its Parent-friendly Label program, accepting applications from organizations nationwide until September 2, 2024. Fatmah Alkaabi, Programs Manager at ECA, highlighted that the authority views parenting and professional success as complementary, stating that empowered parents excel in their careers. She detailed that applications are evaluated based on 19 criteria across five categories, including Family Care, which emphasizes support for new mothers through nursing breaks and access to a private, hygienic maternity room.

Alkaabi also noted that providing dedicated facilities like a children's corner or on-site childcare, in compliance with all regulations, is crucial. She emphasized that allowing parents to bring their children to work or offering flexible remote work options can alleviate parental stress, positively impacting employee productivity and loyalty. In the second cycle, 75 organizations from 23 industries applied for the label, with educational institutions leading the applications at 19%, followed by professional services at 15% and financial institutions at 8%.

Tappy Toes Nursery, a recipient of the parent-friendly label, offers free childcare and discounts for selected schools. Foram Gohel, Managing Director at Tappy Toes, explained that they provide on-site childcare for children aged 45 days to 6 years and have partnered with schools to offer educational support discounts. New parents returning to work are given unlimited time for nursing and are supported by additional staff until they are fully settled.

Visa, a digital payment company, offers flexible work policies to accommodate employees' needs, such as medical appointments or picking up children from school. The company also provides an 'Employee Assistance Program' with webinars and articles and allows a phased return to work for one month after maternity, adoption, or primary caregiver leave, reducing daily working hours by two hours.

Employees who have benefited from these initiatives appreciate the job continuity and smooth transition facilitated by their companies. Tappy Toes employee Zeenath and Hagar both recounted how the management supported them during their pregnancies and postpartum periods, treating them like family. Visa employees also appreciate the inclusive environment and the support provided by employee resource groups.