In a groundbreaking procedure, doctors in the UAE have successfully frozen the ovarian tissue of a young girl diagnosed with cancer for the first time. This operation was conducted by the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Centre in collaboration with ART Fertility Clinics. The seven-year-old patient, suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia, underwent a rigorous treatment regimen including chemotherapy, other therapies, and a bone marrow transplant, with her brother serving as the donor. Prior to these treatments, a team of specialists at the Abu Dhabi Stem Cell Center performed the cryopreservation of the girl’s ovarian tissue after obtaining consent from her family. This proactive measure was aimed at safeguarding her future fertility, which could be compromised by the high-dose chemotherapy and full-body radiation required before the transplant.

During the ovarian freezing procedure, the girl’s ovary was removed and sent to ART Fertility Clinics in Abu Dhabi for further treatment and cryopreservation. The process involved slicing the ovarian tissue into thin sections and meticulously preparing them to prevent cell damage during freezing. The tissue was then gradually cooled and stored in liquid nitrogen at approximately -196 degrees Celsius (-320.8 degrees Fahrenheit), with the goal of preserving it for at least two decades and potentially re-implanting it later to enhance her fertility and reproductive capabilities. Three months post-transplant, the girl was declared in remission and stable.

Ovarian tissue freezing is a cutting-edge technology employed globally to preserve fertility in cases where a patient’s ovaries are at risk from chemotherapy or radiation. Dr. Rashid Obaid Al Suwaidi, Executive Director of the Health Workforce Sector at the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi, highlighted that these advancements reflect Abu Dhabi's robust healthcare strategies, advanced infrastructure, and skilled workforce. Dr. Maysoon Al Karam, Chief Medical Officer at ADSCC, noted that this achievement marks a significant step forward in pediatric tumor treatment and fertility preservation, aligning with their vision to lead in comprehensive, patient-centered care for bone marrow transplant patients under the Abu Dhabi Bone Marrow Transplant Program.