The UAE was involved in discussions about Sudan held in Switzerland from August 14-23. These meetings, initiated by the US and co-hosted by Saudi Arabia and the Swiss Federation, were part of the newly formed ALPS group—dedicated to advancing lifesaving measures and peace in Sudan. Participants included the UAE, the US, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Swiss Federation, the African Union, and the United Nations.

At the end of the talks, Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister for Political Affairs at the UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and leader of the UAE delegation, emphasized: "The humanitarian crisis in Sudan is unbearable. The demand for humanitarian aid is immense, and aid organizations must be allowed to provide assistance to those in need, regardless of their location. The UN's World Food Program is equipped to prevent and halt famine. Our clear message to all involved parties is to enable them to fulfill their duties."

Over the last decade, the UAE has contributed over US$3.5 billion in humanitarian aid to Sudan, with an additional $230 million since the onset of the current crisis. The UAE is steadfast in its commitment to continue supporting the people of Sudan.

The Swiss talks were based on the principles of the Jeddah Agreements, and the UAE, along with other participants, expressed appreciation to Saudi Arabia for their continuous efforts and to the US for their active diplomacy in addressing the severe humanitarian crisis facing the international community.

The new format of the talks, which took place over the past ten days, has already resulted in concrete improvements for the people of Sudan. Agreements were reached on practical measures concerning humanitarian access and civilian protection, including allowing the UN to use the Adre border crossing into Sudan and facilitating aid delivery to famine-stricken areas in Zamzam camp and elsewhere in Darfur. Additional commitments were made to expedite aid access to those in need. The RSF also pledged during the talks to enforce new directives on protecting civilians, including addressing sexual and gender-based violence, child recruitment, and forced disappearances.

The UAE specifically focused on creating a pathway within the ALPS process to incorporate the perspectives, objectives, and recommendations of Sudanese women into all peace and humanitarian initiatives in Sudan. The UAE is committed to ongoing consultations with Sudanese women, advocating for their needs, and pressuring parties to safeguard all civilians in Sudan, particularly women and girls, from breaches of international humanitarian law, including sexual violence.

Although the desired progress on a complete cessation of hostilities leading to an end to the war was not achieved, and the absence of one party from the talks is regrettable, the UAE appreciates the innovative diplomacy that enabled a focus on tangible outcomes for the Sudanese people. The UAE remains dedicated to supporting Sudan in achieving peace and ensuring the urgent delivery of necessary aid and assistance.