When faced with the loss of a loved one, expat families in the UAE often grapple with a challenging choice: repatriating the body or burying the deceased locally. For numerous residents, the decision is straightforward: they prefer their loved ones to be interred in the Emirates. Mohamed Ahmed, a 28-year-old Sudanese expat, encountered this predicament when his mother passed away in 2018. "My father wished to return her body to Sudan, but I objected," Mohamed recalled. "The UAE has been my home for as long as I can remember. My mother adored this country, and I am certain she would have chosen to be buried here, close to her family."

The grieving family had to make a tough decision as their mother succumbed after prolonged treatment and hospital visits. "Although we longed to bury her in our homeland, we didn't want to subject her to further hardship and decided to let her rest in peace here," he shared with Khaleej Times. "Five years on, I believe it was the wisest decision considering the situation in Sudan. We wouldn't have been able to visit her grave now."

In the UAE, a structured set of procedures is in place to facilitate the acquisition of necessary documentation for final rites. Additionally, various services are available to accommodate different burial practices. Hindu expat Aarush Bala arranged for his uncle's cremation in the UAE when he passed away in March. "It was an emotionally charged period. His children, my cousins, were in India, so it fell on me to honor my uncle," Aarush recounted. "The cremation process here was seamless and efficient. I was able to collect his ashes immediately."

Aarush, who has resided in the UAE for 12 years, admitted he never anticipated needing such services but was thankful for their availability. "This is my home now, and I would like my own ashes to remain here." The costs for cremation and burial services in the UAE are typically reasonable. Aarush noted the total expenses for his uncle's cremation — Dh2,500 for the cremation fee, Dh500 as a deposit, and Dh1,010 for the municipality fee — totaled approximately Dh4,000.

Amelia Saab, a 42-year-old Lebanese expat, had a comparable experience when she buried her father in the Dubai Christian cemetery last year. "My father had lived in the UAE for over 25 years. This was his home, and he cherished this country deeply. I knew he would want to be buried here when he passed," she explained. Amelia and her family initially contemplated transporting her father's remains to Lebanon, but the estimated cost of Dh18,000 was prohibitive. "We believed that since his loved ones are here in the UAE, he would prefer to be buried near his family," Amelia stated.

"It was crucial to me that my father's final resting place be nearby so that my family and I could visit and tend to his grave. I'm thankful we were able to fulfill his wishes here in the UAE," Amelia concluded.