Recruitment firms report that more organizations are prioritizing demographic diversity in their hiring processes. Headhunters also advocate for the inclusion of 'cultural competency training' in companies to enhance employee efficiency in multicultural settings. Given the UAE's role as a rising leader in the Middle East, the importance of diverse hiring practices has never been greater. Zaid Alhiali, co-founder of Marc Ellis, noted that many UAE employers are emphasizing the importance of diversity to HR headhunters, recognizing that a diverse team is not only a strategic advantage but also essential for survival and alignment with the country's sustainability goals.

Industry experts observe a growing emphasis on creating a diverse and inclusive workforce in the UAE, driven by technological advancements and socio-economic changes. However, some businesses struggle to create a culturally appropriate environment, which can lead to business challenges and failures. Alhiali strongly recommends investing in cultural competency training to improve employees' effectiveness in multicultural environments, going beyond basic awareness to include deeper understanding and practical strategies for navigating cultural differences.

As the UAE aims to become a technology hub, there is a notable interest in recruiting candidates from Eastern Europe for specialized roles in the crypto field, as well as in Data Analytics, Data Science, software development, and managerial positions with operational backgrounds in finance and healthcare. Diversity is seen as enhancing a firm's ability to deliver innovative solutions and maintain high performance globally. HR firms mandate presenting at least three diverse profiles to clients, believing in the importance of diversity in shaping the UAE's future by hiring future leaders and innovators.

Despite the UAE being viewed as a promising international employment destination, employers face challenges with workforce nationality diversity. Nadeem Ahmed, Senior HR Officer at Hidayath Group, highlighted the positive impact of a diverse workforce, noting that different nationalities bring varied skills, life experiences, and abilities, enhancing creativity, problem-solving, and understanding of customer mindset. Rana Farouk Ali Abdelnabi, Senior Manager at Emirates NBD Bank, stressed the importance of diversity in creating a balanced workplace, encompassing various dimensions like gender, cultural background, and age, and noted that embracing diversity demonstrates a commitment to acceptance and equality, leading to better hiring quality and organizational success.