The UAE's health ministry has urged companies with 'tobacco-free' policies to enforce disciplinary measures against employees who breach smoking bans. The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) stated that the employee should be notified about the company's tobacco-free workplace rules and issued a written warning. 'A record must be kept of the violator's name, the location and time of the incident, and its consequences,' MoHAP added. This guidance was issued alongside a tobacco-free workplace manual for businesses. A 'tobacco-free facility' bans all forms of tobacco use. Smoking is prohibited at both government and private establishments, including outdoor and parking areas. Dr. Hussain Abdul Rahman Al Rand, Assistant Undersecretary for the Public Health Sector, noted, 'This guide serves as a crucial resource for both government and private sectors to create a tobacco-free workplace, aligning with the UAE's commitment to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) since 2005, aiming to protect against tobacco smoke exposure in workplaces, public transport, and public spaces.' The ministry suggests integrating the tobacco-free policy into the professional performance document. 'To achieve a tobacco-free facility, it is recommended to develop and implement clear procedures.' These should include appointing management and staff to oversee these procedures, raising awareness among employees about a tobacco-free environment, providing information to help employees quit smoking, communicating the procedures to all employees, and outlining measures for non-compliance.