According to a statement from the Ministry of Interior, the UAE police will have a significant role in maintaining security during the Paris 2024 Olympics. Following an invitation from France, the UAE police support team, which includes highly skilled personnel and specialized units from various UAE police forces, has completed extensive field exercises and language training in preparation for this international event.

The team has received specialized training to manage various security situations, execute security plans, provide first aid, and take French language lessons to improve integration and communication with the public. This initiative, announced by the authority on X, highlights the UAE's dedication to international collaboration in ensuring the safety and smooth functioning of major sporting events. Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan emphasized the importance of this mission, saying: "You will be heading to friendly France next week and will become part of the police system. We want you to integrate into it and serve them as you serve in the UAE." He further added: "There will be citizens from all over the world and Emirati citizens there, and we will serve them equally."

The UAE police support team, which represents various police sectors within the Interior Ministry and includes female elements, confirms the UAE's model of achieving high efficiency and full readiness to secure events and occasions. The 2024 Paris Olympics, scheduled to start on July 26, will see the participation of athletes and spectators from around the world, including 14 male and female Emirati athletes.