Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 of the UAE has delivered critical humanitarian assistance to individuals forced out of the eastern Khan Younis neighborhoods due to the latest surge in threats and forced relocations. The initiative seeks to ease the hardships faced by these individuals and bolster their resilience in these tough circumstances. The assistance provided encompasses temporary housing tents, food packages, and emergency provisions, underscoring the UAE's dedication to addressing the requirements of the Palestinian population in need.

The UAE's volunteer squads have been on the ground aiding the displaced households since the onset of the evacuations, by erecting and furnishing tents and handing out food packages. In the framework of these continuous efforts, Operation Chivalrous Knight 3 has supplied more than 13,000 tents, aiding over 72,000 individuals. The distribution of food packages has surpassed 300,000, extending to families in multiple regions of the Gaza Strip, with the aim of mitigating their distress and fulfilling their basic necessities.