Following an extended summer hiatus, educational institutions across the UAE are scheduled to resume operations on Monday, August 26. This marks a shift in daily routines for both students and parents as they transition back into 'school mode' post-holidays. While some parents opt to personally transport their children to and from school, the majority rely on school buses. It is crucial for parents, students, drivers, attendants, and schools to be aware of the established safety protocols. Although these guidelines are not novel, it is beneficial to review them. Here is a concise guide for students, parents, drivers, attendants, and schools:

For Students and Parents:
Parents are responsible for ensuring their child reaches the assigned bus stop punctually.
In the event of a delay or absence, parents must notify the bus driver and attendant.
Students should board their designated buses.
Students must enter and exit the bus in an orderly, single-file line, avoiding any disruption to others.
Students are prohibited from bringing parents or non-students onto the school bus.
Students must adhere to the driver's and attendant's instructions during emergencies.
Students should remain seated throughout the journey and must not vacate their seats without the attendant's permission.
Students must not disembark the bus without the consent of the driver and attendant.
Eating and drinking inside the bus is not permitted.
Students should refrain from looking out the bus windows.

For Drivers:
Drivers are required to wear their uniform and seat belt at all times while operating the bus.
Fluency in both English and Arabic is mandatory for drivers.
Drivers must only pick up and drop off students at their designated stops.
The bus must not be overloaded beyond its capacity.
Drivers are prohibited from exceeding the speed limit of 80kmph.
A first aid box must be available inside the bus.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly forbidden.
Smoking inside the bus is not allowed.

For Schools:
Schools must ensure the bus is painted yellow and clearly labeled 'School Bus' in English and Arabic.
Schools should appoint attendants to supervise students on the bus.
Proper air-conditioning must be ensured inside the bus.
GPS implementation is mandatory on every bus.
School buses must be monitored using CCTV cameras.
Regular inspections for bus cleanliness are required.
Buses must not have bars on the windows.
Buses must be equipped with appropriate emergency exits.
A fire extinguisher is required for buses up to 10 meters; buses longer than 10 meters must have two fire extinguishers.