The weather forecast for the UAE on Tuesday (June 11) predicts a generally fair day with occasional partly cloudy skies, as reported by the National Center of Meteorology (NCM). There is a chance of precipitation over the mountain regions later in the day due to the development of convective clouds in the eastern and southern parts of the country. Despite the possibility of rain, the day remains hot with temperatures soaring up to 48ºC in inland areas. Humidity levels are anticipated to peak at 80% in Mezaira and 70% in Gasyoura. In Abu Dhabi and Dubai, temperatures are expected to hit 45ºC and 43ºC respectively. The country will experience light to moderate winds, occasionally strong, stirring up dust and sand. Following a yellow dust warning issued by the NCM on Monday, visibility may be reduced due to dust and sand until 8pm. The sea conditions will remain slight in both the Arabian Gulf and the Oman Sea, consistent with yesterday's conditions.