The United States, Finland, and Canada are set to collaborate on the production of icebreaker ships, enhancing their capabilities in the increasingly contested Arctic, according to a White House announcement on Thursday.

Global warming and the subsequent melting of ice sheets have introduced new competitive dimensions in the Arctic, involving Western nations, Russia, and China, over maritime routes and resources, thereby increasing the importance of polar icebreaker vessels.

"This partnership aims to bolster the shipbuilding industry and industrial capacities of each participating country, and to foster closer security and economic relationships among our nations," stated the White House in a press release.

US Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics, Daleep Singh, informed journalists that the agreement facilitates training for workers and experts across all three countries and extends an invitation to allies to purchase these ships.

In recent years, Russia has intensified its military presence in the Arctic by revitalizing and modernizing several bases and airfields that had been abandoned since the Soviet era, while China has significantly invested in polar exploration and research.

The rapid melting of polar ice has accelerated activities in the harsh Arctic environment as countries vie for access to newly accessible oil, gas reserves, mineral deposits, and shipping routes, amidst a complex tangle of territorial claims.