Adult Swim's highly anticipated anime adaptation of Uzumaki lives up to the hype generated by its trailers. It faithfully replicates horror manga master Junji Ito's distinctive art and style, breathing new, terrifying life into the story by animating it. However, Ito's original manga remains the ultimate way to immerse yourself in the tale of a town plagued by supernatural spirals that induce madness and mutation. Right now, you can grab the superb hardbound edition of Uzumaki for just $22 on Amazon, a significant markdown from its usual $35 price tag.

For those unacquainted, Uzumaki follows the story of teenager Kirie and her introverted boyfriend Shuichi as they witness bizarre and paranormal occurrences in their hometown. The nightmare commences with Shuichi's father, who becomes fixated on the spiral shape. This fixation spirals into madness, leading to gruesome body horror scenarios, all intricately detailed and disturbingly vivid, typical of Ito's horror narratives.

The hardcover Uzumaki 3-in-1 Deluxe Edition compiles the entire series, originally serialized in the late 1990s, totaling over 600 pages of horror. Ito's work has surged in popularity in recent years, with numerous horror manga receiving hardcover English editions, many of which are currently discounted on Amazon. Notable releases include Tomie, a series revolving around a captivating woman who inexplicably drives men to murder, and Gyo, where sea creatures emerge from the ocean on mechanical legs to terrorize Japan (it's even more twisted and intense than it sounds).

Ito's rendition of Frankenstein is also highly recommended. It stands out as one of the few adaptations that truly captures the horror of Mary Shelley's iconic sci-fi horror tale, thanks to Ito's remarkable artwork. Explore the comprehensive list below for additional Ito manga deals.