Precious Wings
The tapestry of success stories is as diverse as the stars in the sky. Sometimes, business becomes a sublimation of poetic talent, a symbiosis where both the lyrical and the material realms flourish. Valentina Davydova, founder of the brand Sankhára, shares how to conduct business effortlessly by following the soul's calling, attuned to the universe's pulse and the heartbeat of a new endeavour.
The jewellery of the house of Sankhára serves as a precious symbol, designed to aid women in reconnecting with their true selves. The brand places significant emphasis on feelings and intuition. Women choose jewellery with their hearts; when a piece resonates deeply within, it becomes clear that it is meant for them. Beauty, Strength, and Love reside within each of us, waiting to be discovered. Our creations are intended to remind one of the importance of inner balance and harmony. They speak of overcoming doubts and fears, opening oneself to new paths in life, and choosing what truly brings happiness. They speak of freedom that belongs solely to you.

It is vital to heed the heart's call and follow it like a guiding star. The brand's name, Sankhára, is an ancient term signifying a unique inner state or reaction to the external world. Sankhára's mission is to help every woman see herself, embrace self-love, and find inner freedom. For only by choosing one's own, unforced path can one arrive at a life full of meaning and joy, unveiling what I have termed 'A new era of me.' Sankhára symbolises the New You — a woman who has reconnected with her inner voice, liberated from imposed limitations, and revealed her true beauty to the world. In embarking on a journey of self-love, a woman learns to listen to her inner sensations, choosing in life what makes her truly happy.
Gentle rays of summer sun warm your face. You take a deep breath, then slowly exhale. A sense of ease envelops you. The torrent of clattering thoughts subsides, giving way to long-awaited tranquillity.
You ask yourself, "Do I truly know what I want?" A faint spark responds with a flutter in your chest, yet words elude it. It has been so long since you heard your inner voice. A series of obstacles and disappointments have overshadowed your destined path. You lost yourself and lost your purpose.

But today marks a turning point. You sense that the time for renewal has come. Inhale. Exhale. You listen to yourself more intently. With each breath, the spark within grows stronger until it bursts into flame. Deep within your being lies a strength that never truly left you. The Era of the New You begins.
You have released the ghosts of the past. You have become free. You have opened yourself to the happiness destined for you in this world. From this moment on, as long as you believe in yourself, your flame will burn brightly and unceasingly.
Eight years ago, during one of the more challenging periods of my life, after parting ways with a loved one, I felt as though an essential part of me had been torn away. It was necessary to fill this void again, not by dissolving into another person but by illuminating it with happiness and my own values. Often, young women lose themselves for the sake of someone else, but that is not the right path. It is important to be a whole and self-sufficient individual, capable of loving and fulfilling oneself independently.

At times, it may seem that life is shattered, but it is merely the beginning. The past is a splendid experience that transforms us for new achievements. One must choose interests that will endure forever. The creation of the Sankhára brand occurred during a special period in my life when re-evaluation led to the emergence of a new self. It was then, after ten days of complete silence in the practice of Vipassana, that it became clear to me: every thought and feeling creates a unique pattern in life, much like rays of light playing on the surface of precious stones.
I chose a serious approach to this new endeavour. It had to be beautiful and offer a sense of warmth and positive energy. The story of securing funding for the business is quite intriguing. When I separated from my husband, he transferred a sum of money into my account that was intended for business development. However, at that time, I did not fully understand how to manage these funds. Accustomed to living lavishly, I quickly spent them on short-term pleasures. Of course, part of the funds was invested in the business: a collection of stones was purchased, and I underwent training in gemmology. But after acquiring the stones, there was neither a business plan nor a strategy for conducting business. I did not know to whom or where to sell.
The power of thought and a fierce desire can work wonders. Around these stones, in meditation, I began creating my first collection. I constantly interacted with people from the community connected with precious stones: gemmologists, jewellers, cutters, miners, and jewellery business owners. After my initial training at Moscow State University, I joined the National Gemmological Association of Russia and began attending all expeditions, where time and again I fell even more in love with the world of natural stones. I continued to study gemmology — a world of precious stones that holds so much mystery and magic. The energy of the stones can be felt through your fingertips; it penetrates your heart and changes your perception of the world, dissolving problems.

I will always remember my first expedition to Sri Lanka. There, I could not resist purchasing many beautiful stones. From that moment, my precious journey began, where I realised that travel, enterprise, and communication are the three keys to success. One should not fear other countries or worry about being misunderstood or shy about asking questions. Networking is everywhere and plays an important role for those who strive for constant growth. Your surroundings determine much; it is essential to choose people who are kindred spirits and capable of offering valuable advice.
Two years ago, when I arrived in Dubai, I knew only a handful of people. However, with a sparkle in my eye, a charming smile, and an irresistible desire to move forward, I quickly found my footing. I became a partner with the Qatari jewellery company Alfardan Jewelry Boutique, whose network of multi-brand stores in the Emirates now showcases my brand, Sankhára.
Words cannot express the happiness and joy that overwhelmed me when I walked out of their office with a signed contract! At one time, this seemed like an unattainable dream.

There was a time when I thought it possible to contribute to the development of a brand from behind the scenes. It is possible, but the effect is different. Internal feelings are important. Balance is achieved by adhering to a unique formula, which I discuss in my forthcoming book. In this equation, the hormones of happiness are indispensable. In my case, it's dopamine, which helps me feel proud of myself and my achievements. In Dubai, I stepped onto the stage for the first time, speaking about diamonds, precious stones, and my brand SANKHARA. This motivated me.
What makes an entrepreneur successful is belief in oneself and one's enterprise. The mindset of a wealthy person is not about money but about qualities: courage and determination. It's about those who are not swayed by the crowd or others' opinions, those who swim against the tide. An inspired achiever can be recognised from afar by their confident stride and eyes that burn with fire. Inner harmony is complemented by outer: a fit physique is an important component of a successful individual.
To maintain inspiration, one must consider personal satisfaction and maintain a balance between work, personal life, and contribution to society. Creating a life system where you feel fulfilled on the path to your goals is key to success.

It is crucial to find a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. A sincere recommendation is to join business clubs. The Vision Club, for instance, creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Loneliness in a foreign and still unfamiliar country vanishes instantly. There is always someone to turn to for any answer or advice.
Each country is home to different people with its own culture and mentality. There are pros and cons to doing business in Dubai, as there are everywhere. It is important to acclimate, settle in, and possess an unwavering desire to persevere despite obstacles. Even expatriates, after spending some time in a foreign country, begin to behave differently. Therefore, it is necessary to feel this and find an approach to your target audience. Ideas come constantly, but their implementation depends on the standard of living in Dubai. There is much here, yet one desires to create what does not exist.
It was decided to create an exclusive Precious Community, one that not everyone could access. This community embodies the philosophy of the Sankhara brand, incorporating all the magical ingredients of a personal happiness formula tailored individually for each club member. Unique performances will be organised, allowing members to participate actively. They will have the privilege of purchasing limited edition collections, comprising only a few pieces, perhaps even a singular piece that will not be replicated on anyone else.

For the ladies, I have conceived another project — a luxurious pastime, a unique form of meditation, and simply the Creation of Beauty — Jewellery Sketching Classes. A lady can immerse herself in designing jewellery with a brush on canvas and, with the assistance of an artist, sketch her own piece. I will then recreate it for her exactly as she envisions it, complete with all the shapes and precious stones. Such an event will undoubtedly captivate everyone and become part of personal development in this unparalleled city.
The atmosphere in Dubai is one that compels you to keep moving. Here, the key is to never stop. In this regard, I am incredibly inspired by a very young entrepreneur. At 23, he has already become a millionaire through sheer perseverance and determination. He speaks at stadiums, where people much older than him listen intently and take notes of his advice and recommendations. His human values and respect for family, especially his mother, leave a profound impression. His name is Daniil Matukhno. Every leader, every historical figure has always been surrounded by people who support their energy and spirit.

At present, my state of mind and mood are such that I find myself not yearning for summer but eagerly anticipating autumn for the first time in my life. I channel my powerful mindset and high expectations into serious preparation for the new season.
Plans include scaling the jewellery company Sánkhara and expanding from Dubai into the markets of London, Milan, and Paris. These cities are significant fashion and cultural hubs, attractive to the jewellery business. London and Paris boast well-developed luxury markets where buyers seek exclusive jewellery pieces. Milan, as a fashion centre, offers vast opportunities to attract stylish customers.
My journey began when I learned to fly and found happiness in my flight. My favourite phrase has long been: "You wouldn't have learned to ride a bicycle if the person you trusted hadn't let go at some point."