Victoria Jackson, a former cast member of Saturday Night Live from 1986 to 1992, has disclosed that doctors have discovered an inoperable tumor in her windpipe as she continues her fight against cancer. Jackson shared this update in a recent video for her "Is the Cancer Back?" Instagram series. According to The Hollywood Reporter, she anticipates having approximately three years left to live.

"[Doctors] cannot operate and remove the marble-sized mass in my chest that is pressing on my windpipe, which will eventually lead to my suffocation," Jackson detailed in the extensive video. Regarding her treatment plan, she mentioned that her medical team will be providing her with a "magic pill." "It will arrive at my doorstep within the next 12 hours," she noted. "It is based on Ribociclib and is expected to shrink the tumor, hopefully." Ribociclib is designed to inhibit the growth of cancer.

Jackson revealed that patients who take this medication typically have a survival duration of around 32.6 months. Despite the grim prognosis, the actress from Best Years Gone maintained a positive outlook, stating, "I've had a fantastic life." She continued in the video, "You know, we're all on a path to death, but when you see it in black and white, like 32.6 months, it gives you pause, you know? But I wouldn't change a thing." Jackson initially announced her breast cancer diagnosis in 2016.