Vidisha Bathwal, aged 39, is an artisanal gourmet caterer and the founder of Paprika Dubai. This Indian expatriate, having lived in Dubai for four years, initially pursued a career as a hedge fund analyst in London. Her passion for food eventually steered her towards establishing Paprika in Kolkata back in 2011. Bathwal views money as a means to achieve independence and security. When asked to describe money in a single word, she opts for 'affluence' or 'abundance'. Her relationship with money is rooted in the sense of security and financial independence it provides. She aims to retain money to ensure it does not abandon her, given its challenging acquisition. This perspective developed as she launched her business, focusing on earning and self-support, even post-marriage. Bathwal emphasizes the importance of financial independence for decision-making. Her mother taught her the value of saving and budgeting, especially during lean financial periods. However, she admits to a weakness for impulsive spending, particularly on cutlery. Bathwal discusses financial matters with her husband, finding such conversations beneficial rather than taboo. Her financial management skills are self-taught through personal experiences. A significant money-related experience was her decision to start a business in India using her savings from her London job, which earned her father's pride. Living in the UAE has heightened her standards regarding money, influenced by the luxurious lifestyles common there. Bathwal advises her younger self or children to be frugal, emphasizing the hard-earned nature of money. Her proudest financial decision was saving her earnings to start her business rather than spending them. Her biggest financial regret stems from early business mistakes that led to unexpected losses, lessons from which she continues to learn.