A new report released on Tuesday by the police identifies violence against women and girls in England and Wales as a "national emergency," with nearly 3,000 offenses being recorded each day.

This study, initiated by two law enforcement agencies, suggests that at least one in every 12 women will become a victim annually, although the actual figure is likely much higher. Senior police officer Maggie Blyth emphasized, "Violence against women and girls is a national emergency," in remarks tied to the report's release.

The research reveals that over one million violent incidents against women and girls were documented by the police in the 2022-2023 period, constituting nearly one-fifth of all non-fraud related crimes recorded in England and Wales from April 2022 to March 2023. The report highlights a 37 percent rise in such violence between 2018-2019 and last year, with domestic abuse significantly straining police resources.

Additionally, the study estimates that one in 20 adults in England and Wales, equating to 2.3 million individuals, will commit crimes against women and girls each year. Blyth cautioned that these figures are conservative, as much crime remains unreported, and law enforcement typically only encounters the visible part of the problem.

Blyth also warned that violence against women in these regions has escalated to epidemic proportions, urging government action to address the overwhelmed criminal justice system. The report further notes a staggering 435 percent increase in child sexual abuse and exploitation offenses from 2013 to 2022, rising from over 20,000 to nearly 107,000 cases, with suspects now averaging 15 years old.

Stalking and harassment make up 85 percent of online-related offenses, according to the report. In February of the previous year, the UK's interior ministry designated violence against women and girls as a national threat to public safety. Over the past year, more than 4,500 new officers have been trained to handle rape and serious sexual offenses, contributing to a 38 percent increase in charges for adult rape from the year ending December 2022 to the year ending December 2023.